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Exiting the Matrix "No Turning Back"

"After this, there is no turning back.

You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. "

"Remember All I am offering is the Truth Nothing More"

LAURENCE FISHBURNE: (As Morpheus) The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television.

Taking the Blue Pill

In the Movie the Matrix By taking the Blue pill you continue to choose to stay connected to the matrix and never awaken to Truth. It was the choice to choose slavery and ignorance over freedom and knowledge. There is nothing wrong with this choice. It just means you would rather continue with this program of a controlled matrix. Where everything is done for you, and you have no choice of your own destiny. Everything is designed to keep you from ever thinking for yourself. The purpose of having the choice is, this is a much easier decision then Taking the Red Pill. Many people would rather not be bothered with truth and facts that doesn't matter in their personal lives. Their own lives to them is all that matters, if they feel entertained and busy they can't see anything else, and don't necessarily want to know truth, and wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they could actually have a real choice in their reality.

Taking the Red Pill

In the Movie Neo takes the red pill to break out of the matrix to see life as it really is.

What this represented to many who watched it, was our waking up to the controlled system of Religion, Education, Political, and Social Separation. It is the awakening from a long slumber, in darkness, and opening our eyes for the first time, seeing the breaking of the Light. However the Movie wasn't so magical. and showed a more nightmarish experience. The interpretation was more of a projection of fear, than truth. Truth is hard to handle if you are not willing to let go of the old programming. Knowledge is power. this is why the elites chose to keep the secrets. When we open ourselves up to Truth or take the

"Red Pill", We must be ready to handle what we are shown. The Darkness is deep and can bring up our worst fears and nightmares. The point is to not hold on to these fears, but to let them go. Once you Know your truth, there is nothing to fear. You realize that you no longer have to be the dark's energy source. You have a choice where you use your energy, in their system of control or as a free sovereign being, not afraid to think.


Is Our World really a Simulation?


The Artificial Moon Keeping Us In The MATRIX - PART 2


10 Uncomfortable Signs You're Actually Exiting The Matrix (And Nobody Can Stop You)

The Final Door To EXIT THE MATRIX - The Most Important and Most Misunderstood Step To ESCAPING


EXIT THE MATRIX -The FIVE RULES of THE MATRIX - Ascension - Manifestation


Taking The Red Pill... Julien & Tyler Reveal How You've Been BRAINWASHED! (How To Escape The Matrix)


How to Escape the Matrix (Watch This Video Before It Gets Deleted)


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