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Everything is Consciousness (Rocks, Plants, Animals, and Even The Earth) w/videos

"The Universe is alive in all its manifestations, like a thinking animal. The stone is a thinking and sensitive being, such as plants, beasts, and man. A star that shines asks to be seen and if we were not self-absorbed we would understand its language and its message. The breath, the eyes and the ears of the man have to fulfill the breath, the eyes and the ears of the Universe."

- Nikola Tesla


What does this mean as far as the food we eat....

We must learn to have gratitude even when eating our Plant brothers and sisters.

Vegans base their entire dietary patterns around abstaining from the use and consumption of animal products usually revolving around a philosophy (and opinion) that they are rejecting the commodity status of sentient beings. Unfortunately, the foundation of veganism is based on, at the very least, erroneous conclusions, and lack of research. Many vegans refuse to accept the fact that plants are also sentient beings and science has now shown that the kingdom Plantae have many of the same senses as animals.

They are conscious organisms which can touch, smell, taste and even hear and have fear of themselves being eaten.

According to many vegans, that's acceptable because they have to eat something, however plant scientists are throwing their entire philosophy into a whirlwind as studies show that when it comes to senses, plants are really no different than even humans. Plants are aware of being plants.

Part of the enlightenment and awakening will relate to releasing judgement on what others choose to eat. That's a very hard task for some, especially vegans who have among the strongest opinions to justify their choices and often viciously attack views that oppose their own.

This is a video from "Mythbusters" trying to "debunk" the proof of Planet Consciousness and Plant Telepathy: Their experiment left them baffled

View Article about Trees having a Heartbeat:

Researchers Discover, Trees have a "Heartbeat"


Consciousness permeates reality. Rather than being just a unique feature of human subjective experience, it’s the foundation of the universe, present in every particle and all physical matter.

pan·psy·chism /panˈsīˌkizəm/ noun noun: panpsychism the doctrine or belief that everything material, however small, has an element of individual consciousness.

Panpsychism is the claim that consciousness is not just a property of the brain, and not a property of some special spiritual kind of substance like the soul, but rather a property of everything in the universe. Even a rock or a pebble or an atom has a little bit of consciousness in it, and seems to Know what it is, and it's primary function. Panpsychism has been endorsed by two distinguished neuroscientists, Christof Koch and Guilio Tononi.

panpsychism is the view that consciousness, mind, or soul (psyche) is a universal and primordial feature of all things. Panpsychists see themselves as minds in a world of mind.

Panpsychism is one of the oldest philosophical theories, and has been ascribed to philosophers like Thales, Parmenides, Plato, Averroes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and William James. Panpsychism can also be seen in ancient philosophies such as Stoicism, Taoism, Vedanta and Mahayana Buddhism. During the 19th century, panpsychism was the default theory in philosophy of mind, but it saw a decline during the middle years of the 20th century with the rise of logical positivism. The recent interest in the hard problem of consciousness has revived interest in panpsychism.

Abraham Hicks - Do Rocks Have Consciousness ?


There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe - the Universal Mind. It is all knowing, all powerful, all creative and always present. As it is present everywhere at the same time, it follows that it must also be present in you - that it is you. Your mind is part of the one Universal Mind. This is not simply a philosophical ideal passed down to us through the ages. It is an exact scientific truth. Know it, believe it, apply it and you will see your life transform in miraculous ways.

Albert Einstein told us that "everything is energy"; that "a human being is a part of the whole called by us [the] Universe". His words echoed the most ancient of spiritual and philosophical teachings and still underpin today's cutting-edge scientific discoveries. The Universal Mind goes by many names. In the scientific world we know of the Unified Field, in spiritual philosophy we refer to The All or Universal Consciousness and in religion we call upon God who Himself goes by many names - Jehovah, Allah and Brahman to mention but a few. The name is relevant only in so far as it resonates with you.

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