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Cosmic Light Update 1/9 ~ Being Shaken, To Awaken ~This is It!!!

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This is It!!! The BIG energy boost we have been waiting for. These extreme Cosmic energies will cause many to feel a bit shaken, definitely for the next few days,and throughout the rest of the month. Some of us are already experiencing the intense ride. The full moon of January, called the Wolf Moon, will occur on Jan. 10 at 2:21 p.m. EST (1921 GMT), and it will coincide with the lunar eclipse. Plus, Uranus retrograde began back in August 2019, and it's been raging ever since. But Uranus will be out of retrograde officially after a five-month run on Jan. 11. We then will experience The long anticipated Saturn Pluto conjunction on the 12th. This is the icing on the cake as far as energies. But it does not End there, The rest of the Month expect the BIG Energies to Transform everything as we Know it. We are Being Shaken awake....

Any of these events alone would make January a month to remember… but when we have All of these events of this magnitude all at once, you can bet that January is one of those months to be documented in the history manuals.

What you choose to do with these energies will decide the outcome of your experiences. By staying calm and rational, we can allow these energies to transform us gently. But, if we have chaos within the mind, this will cause an eruption of out of control emotions, which intern can create a lot of Drama and havoc in your lives. Remember to Not React with Anger but, Respond with Love.

We must focus our intentions for positive transformation, during these extreme Cosmic Events.


Here is What is Happening in the Cosmos this Month.

January 10th, 2020 – Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon In Cancer

On January 10th, 2020 we have the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 20° Cancer. The Eclipse is opposite the Saturn-Pluto-Sun-Mercury quadruple conjunction in Capricorn and is trine Neptune. This means that all that tension on the Capricorn axis will be released through Cancer.

Uranus is also stationary and goes direct just hours after the eclipse, adding an element of surprise to the mix. To say we’re living in interesting times is an understatement.

This Eclipse is particularly important since the Moon in Cancer is the only non-Capricorn planet that “triggers” the extremely powerful Capricorn stellium. A Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is when things happen. 

So expect a very eventful Full Moon that will show us the consequences of our collective actions.

Fortunately, this is a North Node Eclipse (and North Node Eclipses are connected to our life’s purpose).

So while this Lunar Eclipse can come with unexpected events that can be quite destabilizing, these events will eventually bring us closer to the path of our purpose. 

As always, you will feel the influence of this Lunar Eclipse more intensely if you have Cancer or Capricorn ascendant, or if you have planets around 20° in Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries. 

January 11th, 2020 – Uranus Goes Direct

On January 11th 2020, Uranus goes direct at 2° Taurus. Uranus is a transpersonal planet, and a transpersonal planet is most powerful when it stations direct or retrograde. This is when its energy is at its peak.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, objective truth and divine insight. Our desire to break free from what is FALSE and inauthentic is stronger than ever.

In the midst of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and hours after a powerful Lunar Eclipse, Uranus direct is the divine go-ahead to do what we must do. 

January 12th, 2020 – Saturn Conjunct Pluto 

On January 12th 2020, Saturn is conjunct Pluto at 22° Capricorn.  Sun and Mercury are also conjunct Saturn and Capricorn.

Apart from the Sun and Mercury conjunction, Saturn and Pluto are not involved in any other aspect with any other planets. No squares, oppositions or trines. Nothing. It’s like the whole attention of the Universe goes on that area of the sky.

There is a feeling of imminence associated with this aspect.

It is not that we haven’t seen it coming. Saturn and Pluto have been building their agenda for a while and now they’re ready to bring it to a climax.

At an individual level, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction will ask us to take responsibility for our dark side. To use power with responsibility. To eliminate what’s rotten or egotistical about our goals.

The first planet to conjunct Saturn and Pluto is Mercury (just a few hours before the exact Saturn-Pluto alignment). A news of some sort, or some stimulus from the outside world (Mercury) will create a powerful reshuffling of the order of things.

As a result, a new order will emerge – at micro, social and macro levels. 

January 13th, 2020 – Sun Conjunct Saturn And Pluto

On January 13th 2020, hours after the exact Saturn-Pluto alignment, the Sun will also join in. The aftermath of Saturn and Pluto will be internalized.

“What does it mean for me?”

We will understand the consequences of this new “order of things”, and what kind of person we need to be from now on. 

January 16th, 2020 – Mercury Enters Aquarius 

January 16th 2020, Mercury enters Aquarius, which is great news, 1st  because Mercury feels good in Air signs, and 2nd, because the Capricorn stellium loosens up a bit.

There is finally a sense of flow, a sense of movement.

Mercury in Aquarius is rational and objective, and will bring a sense of clarity and calm to our minds. 

January 18th, 2020 – Mercury Square Uranus

Soon after its ingress in Aquarius, Mercury (at 2° Aquarius) is square Uranus (at 2° Taurus).

Uranus and Mercury work well together (Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury) and also Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius – so this square, while still a square, will bring a sense of progress and positive movement to the status quo.

Aquarius and Taurus are fixed signs which hold strong to their principles, but they are also two of the most responsible planets of the zodiac, and it’s unlikely they will do something foolish.

Sometimes we need a bit of conflict to find solutions to long-standing problems. 

January 20th, 2020 – Sun Enters Aquarius

Happy birthday to all Aquarius out there. Sun’s ingress into Aquarius on January 20th 2020 means the #aquariusseason can officially begin!

We really need a breath of fresh air after all that heavy Capricorn energy.

Sun following Mercury in the level-headed sign of Aquarius is nothing but good news. 

January 23rd, 2020 – Sun Square Uranus

On January 23rd 2020, Sun in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. There are still things that need to be figured out. After the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, we are not the same person we used to be. Sun square Uranus will help us further shape our new Identity.

January 26th-27th, 2020 – Venus Conjunct Neptune And Square Mars

In a month dominated by heavy Saturn, Pluto, South Node conjunctions and Uranus squares, the Venus-Neptune conjunction in the romantic sign of Pisces will feel like something out of this world, even out of place, at the beginning.

The conjunction is square Mars in Sagittarius, but this square only potentiates the romantic and creative potential of Venus and Neptune.

This conjunction is a great way to end a turbulent month.

Just like a Hollywood movie, Venus conjunct Neptune will show us that any drama, no matter how terrible it may be, eventually comes with a happy ending. Source


Cosmic Energy Forecast Jan 5-11, 2020: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse


This is it! Saturn & Pluto alignment - Massive Energy Shifts


5 Things You MUST Know About The FULL MOON Eclipse Jan 10th!


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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