Greetings, We are the High Council of Sirius
We are very pleased to be communing with you today. The Earth and Humanity are in the midst of major Changes. These Changes first are happening within, shifting the Human Consciousness, to a higher understanding of connectedness. Those once engulfed in the propaganda of pushing hate, fear, and separation through wars and religious doctrines, are beginning to take a second look at what their true intentions are. This is what transformation is about, looking within and changing what's undesirable within, to change what is undesirable outside of you.
As the Earth transforms herself into the Vibrations of High 4th Dimension, You, as the Human collective, you are now faced with many changes. Changes within your Personal Lives, as well as changes within your entire societal structure. While within the 4th dimension, you are still within the Physical dimensions.
You will not enter the fifth dimension until the Earth is ready to make that Jump. This jump into the 5th dimension, will change your Physical reality of Earth into a nonphysical Existence. Transforming not only the physical existence to nonphysical, but your physical bodies will also change into a higher vibrational density that is not of the physical reality. From a 3D perspective, you will become invisible to their eyes.
However, while within the 4th dimension, you are still within a very physical existence, this allows for the Lower vibrations to integrate into the New Frequencies. Which is giving you the opportunity to transform your Physical existence into a more desirable state of Unity around the Earth. This will Bring more of the Human Collective with you, as you make the final Jump into the Fifth Dimension.
While you are faced with many Changes, you are also Faced with Choices.
This is why you must let go of all things, that do not serve you, in the Higher light. Material possessions, the Ego-mind, Wealth, engulfing yourself in Politics, Religions or any other 3D driven illusion can hold you to the physical reality. Literally stopping you from your ascension into the 5th dimension.
This is why you must look inside yourself and witness your own truth. To observe the Path that you are following. Are you willing to let go of the Material world? Are you willing to let go of all The wealth, and luxuries, of the 3D illusion? If Not, then you are not yet ready to make this jump into the 5th dimension. These are the Hard Lessons of the Ones who have chosen this Path within their Lives. Money, or Wealth, is part of the trap of the Matrix. And was used to instill a selfish mindset, a separation from Oneness. It is literally a tool of the Dark Forces, that have enslaved you under this System. This is why Sananda Christos once claimed it to be the Root of all Evil. Greed of Money and Material Possession will stop you from your Ascension in to Higher Light.
For those who have chose this path, they may find it hard to let go of all they have created for themselves. This does not mean, that you must get rid of everything that you have created within the 3D reality. But Rather, it's just a matter of learning that it will not come with you into 5D. However, If you feel stuck in the material mindset, it would help to learn to give freely to others. The Concept of Unity and Oneness, is to be willing to Do, for others, as you Do, for yourselves. Understanding that you are all connected as a race, We are all connected as your Galactic Families, and everything within the Multiverse is connected through the same Light.
For many Others, they have chosen a path of suffering, and struggle. And are very willing to let go of the pain of the Physical reality. This path brings great rewards of Light.
You came into the physical body in this Life to feel all of its heaviness and density. To feel the truth of the Illusion. You are now ready to make the Jump into a higher Light, because you have earned it. But you, too, must find the Love within you. You came into a dense form, to learn to embrace your oneness with your Light within, and to connect with your Earth Family. Your Lessons of Life have all been of Love. To look beyond the Pain to see the service of Love. Those who care for you, to see their service of Light, that they gave to you. Many just out of the Kindness and Love within them. You came here to experience Love, at its deepest. Embrace that Love. Be Grateful for all that you have received through their Care. Embrace that Love and integrate it through your Life, by serving Others as you Can. Learn to Embrace the Oneness.
In these Moments within the 4th dimensional vibration, All things are healing, The Earth, and you are healing. The surrounding Vibrations, are engulfing you in God's infinite Light. Continue to focus your Love for Others, and for the Betterment of the all. When you engulf your life in Love, you will begin to heal. Even older injuries, and disease, are beginning to Heal. Your bodies are changing. You each have a choice at what emotional vibrational state you wish to reside within. Lower vibrational emotions can intensify your Physical suffering. However, even some can be positive and still have discomfort.
If Your bodies are in distress and pain, then you must focus your intent on the concept of already being healed. Feeling that vibration, engulfing it every day. Sending Love to every cell, knowing that they are already healed. You must learn to believe it. That is important, you must believe it, as it is a true intention. This intention, changes you and every cell in your body, to become your intention.
This does not mean to end any treatments you feel are helping you. Your science and medical fields are also changing to meet the needs of the people. Everything is moving Towards the Light.
Then there are the Others, who have served many Lives and are ready and have prepared for the transition into the Higher Light. They have been awakened and have been preparing their Mind Body and spirit for this transition, for many of your Earth Years. Their Path is as a Leader, Many of them are the Lightworkers, Starseeds and wanderers, who are graciously holding the Light for all the Others.
While there are Many choices in your life, there are really only 2 Paths that Leed 2 different directions, The Path of Oneness, of Unity, of Love and service to the Light, is the choice of Leaving the 3D illusions behind. Moving into the higher consciousness and Higher Density of existence. The Other path is of Separation, This is the choice to continue to ignore their connection to the Light, and choosing to stay within the lower vibrations of the material reality. There is no wrong choice. However, the Earth herself is moving out of the 3D Material Universe and entering Higher vibrations. Those who choose to stay within the Material reality, will be removed from The Planet as she ascends.
Either path is a choice you personally make, no one can make the choice for you.
The Dark Forces have interfered greatly within their matrix, confusing and enticing many towards darkness and their traps of control. But you choose your own journey towards the Light, Even if it is the long one. All Paths will eventually lead Home to Love.
Always remember to Ask the Infinite Creator to engulf you with Love and Light, ask your Angels to Engulf you with Love and Light, and Ask Us too to engulf you in Love and Light. We are all here to serve you through The Infinite Creator's Divine Love, and Light.
We Love you and Honor You,
We are The High Council of Sirius.
Intuitive Transmission By Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com