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*Ascension Update 8/5* 2 X CLASS FLARES ~ The GRAND CELESTIAL AWAKENING ~ The Galactic Federation

The Ascension Update for August 5th 2024.

Blessings to all.

Today there has been a massive surge in your solar activity, characterized by the occurrence of two significant X-class flares in just 2 hours, one at X 1.7 and the other at X 1.1. This has sparked considerable interest and anticipation within the Galactic community. And among those attuned to these cosmic energies, You are All feeling it.

 This sudden influx of energy is expected to have a transformative impact that extends far beyond any expectations. The Earth as well is showing significant activity responding with 34 hertz yesterday and another boost of 38 hertz today August 5th.

The heightened vibrations, and recent uprisings, currently being emitted by the Collective of Humanity, is a direct result of the powerful influence of the Earth Vibrations and these celestial events.

The New X Flares, and The recent series of rapid M-class flare eruptions throughout this last week within your Timespace, has set in motion a chain reaction of energetic shifts that are reverberating throughout the Earth. 

As Humanity stands on the threshold of the Grand event, the effects of these new flares are expected to be nothing short of remarkable, heralding a new chapter of evolution and growth for both Earth and humanity as a whole. The anticipation and excitement surrounding these cosmic phenomena fill the Galactic Community. This influx of energy is not merely a fleeting moment in time but, rather, a transformative wave that is set to ripple across the Earth. This will initiate another profound shift in the Collective consciousness of Humanity.

The implications of these energy bursts extend far beyond the physical realm, reaching into the Higher realms of the higher 5th and 6th dimensions. It is the Infinite Creator reaching out to humanity, offering a guiding hand towards a higher state of being. With each flare that graces the Earth, a new layer of potential is unlocked, inviting humanity to embrace Their Infinite Light Within.

These celestial events serve as reminders of the interconnectedness of all things, urging Humanity to look beyond the confines of your individual lives and embrace the greater design of existence.

In this time of transition and transformation,You are being called to align with the rhythms of the cosmos, allowing the waves of energy to wash over you and awaken dormant aspects of your being.

Indeed, this is just the beginning of the journey, to reunite with the Infinite Creator. As you enter the Higher 4th dimension and are jumped into the 5th dimension, each energy burst serves as a beacon of power from the Infinite, raising you in Love and Light.

 As you navigate this cosmic dance, remember that you are not mere spectators but active participants in the unfolding of your evolution. 

Embrace the energies that surround you, for they carry the seeds of transformation and growth, ushering in a new Earth Based on Love, Compassion, and Unity.

This surge of energy, is not just a random occurrence, but was a precisely orchestrated event that unfolded at the exact Divine moment.

It is a convergence of celestial energies, where the Lionsgate Portal and the alignment with the Sirius Constellation coincide in perfect harmony.

The effects of this celestial dance are profound, as they catalyze a transformational shift in your Current reality. The Earth and Humanity are being propelled towards a heightened state of consciousness, a state of being that is bathed in the light of enlightenment.

This Mass Awakening is not just a fleeting moment of realization but a collective awakening of the soul. The Beginning of a collective recognition of your interconnectedness with all that exists. You are stepping into vibrations of Oneness.

 It is a shift in consciousness that transcends individual boundaries and ushers in the Vibrations of unity and harmony. This collective shift in consciousness is steering the planet towards a more positively aligned timeline, a timeline that paves the way for the Collective Ascension process, to occur at a faster pace.

As you embrace these cosmic energies and allow them to permeate your being, you open yourselves up to the activation of your Dormant abilities and deep inner gnosis.

 You become co-creators of your reality, actively participating in the evolution of your planet and yourselves. The journey towards enlightenment is not only one of your own personal Ascension, but of unity, a journey that you embark upon together, hand in hand, guided by the light of the Infinite Creator, The Light of God.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

This has been the Ascension Update for August 5th, 2024.

Transmission Received and Researched By Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse


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We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..


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