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Ancient AI (Artificial Intelligence)Technologies

“ A.I. existed in ancient times, a form of A.I. that did not need of computing machines as those used nowadays, but A.I. engines that were hybrid and functional with collaboration of the human intelligence, individual and collective. For example, the structures utilized and described for the practice of primordial vectorial mathematics, in the books of “The 9 Divine Worlds of Primordial Mathematics” are an example of such type of engine. An engine capable to become resident in the human culture, collective intelligence, individual intelligence, family intelligence, influence perception, DNA encoding, emotions, behavior. An engine capable of generating culture. A Culture generation engine: CGE.” — Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, A.I. Research Project.


Ancient Robots

The first robot to walk the earth was a bronze giant called Talos. This wondrous machine was created not by MIT Robotics Lab, but by Hephaestus, the Greek god of invention. More than 2,500 years ago, long before medieval automata, and centuries before technology made self-moving devices possible, Greek mythology was exploring ideas about creating artificial life—and grappling with still-unresolved ethical concerns about biotechne, “life through craft.” In this compelling, richly illustrated book, Adrienne Mayor tells the fascinating story of how ancient Greek, Roman, Indian, and Chinese myths envisioned artificial life, automata, self-moving devices, and human enhancements—and how these visions relate to and reflect the ancient invention of real animated machines. As early as Homer, Greeks were imagining robotic servants, animated statues, and even ancient versions of Artificial Intelligence, while in Indian legend, Buddha’s precious relics were defended by robot warriors copied from Greco-Roman designs for real automata. Mythic automata appear in tales about Jason and the Argonauts, Medea, Daedalus, Prometheus, and Pandora, and many of these machines are described as being built with the same materials and methods that human artisans used to make tools and statues. And, indeed, many sophisticated animated devices were actually built in antiquity, reaching a climax with the creation of a host of automata in the ancient city of learning, Alexandria, the original Silicon Valley. A groundbreaking account of the earliest expressions of the timeless impulse to create artificial life, Gods and Robots reveals how some of today’s most advanced innovations in robotics and AI were foreshadowed in ancient myth—and how science has always been driven by imagination. This is mythology for the age of AI.

Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines, and Ancient Dreams of Technology, Adrienne Mayor


In the 21st century, humans have become well-acquainted with not only the concept but also the practical reality of robots. In fact, robots have become a very real concern for many workers throughout the industrialized world as ever advancing technology threatens to replace them. But while we live in an age where robots are becoming commonplace, it was not too long ago that they were the subject of only myth and legend. Nevertheless, it would be a very difficult position to argue that humans have not understood at least the concept of robots for thousands of years. The Sumerians, Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks and Indus Valley civilization have a multitude of accounts concerning robots and automata in general.

Robots and Automata of the Ancient


Advanced Ancient Devices, Turns Out Computers Are Not A New Invention!

Advanced Ancient Technology.


Automatons: the genesis to robots. Take a look at the technology and innovation of one of the world's oldest art forms.

Automatons: The Original Robots


Ancient Aliens: Artificially Enhanced Humans (Season 11, Episode 3) | History

The idea of transhumans, or artificially enhanced humans, is shown to have been around for a very long time in this clip from Season 11, Episode 3, "The Next Humans". #AncientAliens


Artificial Intelligence: A History

Artificial intelligence has been a topic of growing prominence in the media and mainstream culture since 2015, as well as in the investment world, with start-ups that even mention the word in their business model, gaining massive amounts of funding. While to many, the hype around AI may appear sudden, the concepts of modern artificial intelligence have been around for over a century and extending further, the concept of artificial intelligence and artificial beings have been in the minds of humans for thousands of years. To better understand and appreciate this technology and those who brought it to us as well as to gain insight into where it will take us: sit back, relax and join me in an exploration on the history of artificial intelligence.

This Video is the second part of the video above

The Birth of Artificial Intelligence


2,000 Year Old Computer - Decoding the Antikythera Mechanism

A Greek shipwreck holds the remains of an intricate bronze machine that turns out to be the world's first computer. In 1900, a storm blew a boatload of sponge divers off course and forced them to take shelter by the tiny Mediterranean island of Antikythera. Diving the next day, they discovered a 2,000 year-old Greek shipwreck. Among the ship's cargo they hauled up was an unimpressive green lump of corroded bronze. Rusted remnants of gear wheels could be seen on its surface, suggesting some kind of intricate mechanism. The first X-ray studies confirmed that idea, but how it worked and what it was for puzzled scientists for decades. Recently, hi-tech imaging has revealed the extraordinary truth: this unique clockwork machine was the world's first computer. An array of 30 intricate bronze gear wheels, originally housed in a shoebox-size wooden case, was designed to predict the dates of lunar and solar eclipses, track the Moon's subtle motions through the sky, and calculate the dates of significant events such as the Olympic Games. No device of comparable technological sophistication is known from anywhere in the world for at least another 1,000 years. So who was the genius inventor behind it? And what happened to the advanced astronomical and engineering knowledge of its makers? NOVA follows the ingenious sleuthing that finally decoded the truth behind the amazing ancient Greek computer. The Antikythera mechanism was designed to predict movements of the sun, moon and planets. The artifact was recovered probably in July 1901 from the Antikythera shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera. Believed to have been designed and constructed by Greek scientists, the instrument has been dated either between 150 and 100 BC, or, according to a more recent view, in 205 BC. After the knowledge of this technology was lost at some point in antiquity, technological artefacts approaching its complexity and workmanship did not appear again until the development of mechanical astronomical clocks in Europe in the fourteenth century. All known fragments of the Antikythera mechanism are kept at the National Archaeological Museum, in Athens, along with a number of artistic reconstructions of how the mechanism may have looked. Generally referred to as the first known analogue computer, the quality and complexity of the mechanism's manufacture suggests it has undiscovered predecessors made during the Hellenistic period. Its construction relied upon theories of astronomy and mathematics developed by Greek astronomers, and is estimated to have been created around the late second century BC. In 1974, Derek de Solla Price concluded from gear settings and inscriptions on the mechanism's faces that it was made about 87 BC and lost only a few years later. Jacques Cousteau and associates visited the wreck in 1976 and recovered coins dated to between 76 and 67 BC. Though its advanced state of corrosion has made it impossible to perform an accurate compositional analysis, it is believed the device was made of a low-tin bronze alloy (of approximately 95% copper, 5% tin). All its instructions are written in Koine Greek, and the consensus among scholars is that the mechanism was made in the Greek-speaking world.


A.I. Engines utilized by Ancient Civilizations & The Art of Primordial Mathematics

What are mathematics? measurement, relationship, analysis, processing and prediction are made thanks to mathematics.

Consider for an instant what a machine is. For a modern culture human a machine is for example a car, or that engine of a ship or airplane or train, or maybe that one of an industry.

While we are aware of machines created in ancient times, it is for the modern culture human very difficult to consider the possibility of a machine being created in ancient times before the industrial age, or before the age of fire and metal. For example in the time of Alexandria Library, records of several types of artifacts were registered. Some of theses records have survived the library destruction, and in the best of the cases, the artifacts, machines themselves as well. (REF: The LDMF Foundation, Research Project on the impact of the destruction of Alexandria, RG. DOI )

[The Odin Theta Tours, multidisciplinary archaeology expeditions agency of the LDMF Foundation, would offer you experiential presentations, tours and more insight on this topic, along visits of 9+ locations, archaeological and cultural sites in eurasia. ]

But can you imagine a machine being made without metal, or mechanical structure? Toys for children made out of wood, would have mechanical functions, but is that a machine?

In our modern culture we think about sophisticated machines, robots, A.I., nano-tech bots (nanobots).

Can you imagine a machine being created in a time in which only drawing and math were known by humans?


Mathematics is ancient, as humans are. Before artifacts for construction and buildings were made, with precision, as for example the pyramids, the pagodas, the dolmens, certain knowledge of calculations was necessary.

For the practice of mathematics, a draw in the sand would be enough. A paint in the wall of a cave. Or even a careful observation of stars, their movement and relationships. Yet, there is, for the purpose of mathematics, something always available that would serve measurements, and calculations, relationship, prediction, analysis practices: the human body.

Human, natural and artificial phenomena are being studied by mathematics since the first time a strategy was planned and registered, for the purpose of hunting, for example.

While a daily life simple use of math, calculation, measurement, planning, is easy to consider took place in ancient times, would you consider the possibility of having a modern A.I. / Engine / Processor in ancient times?

A processor that just with draws and cyphers would produce information, out of data entered.


At the LDMF Foundation, research on A.I., Primordial Mathematics and Ancient Culture Technology and Civilizations, i have arrived to the following hypothesis:

“ A.I. existed in ancient times, a form of A.I. that did not need of computing machines as those used nowadays, but A.I. engines that were hybrid and functional with collaboration of the human intelligence, individual and collective. For example, the structures utilized and described for the practice of primordial vectorial mathematics, in the books of “The 9 Divine Worlds of Primordial Mathematics” are an example of such type of engine. An engine capable to become resident in the human culture, collective intelligence, individual intelligence, family intelligence, influence perception, DNA encoding, emotions, behavior. An engine capable of generating culture. A Culture generation engine: CGE.” — Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, A.I. Research Project.

Ref: Culture Generation Engine, A.I. Research Projects of the LDMF Foundation.

REF. Research Study on A.I. and Human A.I.

In order to understand this hypothesis is necessary to review the essence of mathematics and that one of engines or machines as well the principle of a number or cypher, and the idea of processing or analysis, strategic thinking and algorithms.

In principle, the knowledge related to a machine, how through simple inputs and a set of rules processing takes place and computing. Modern culture is used to the use of numbers (cyphers) associated to certain values, the idea of cyphers, digits, as representation of classes of phenomena and a mathematic system able to operate with those is not common knowledge. Primordial Mathematics is dedicated to the study of this type of processing tool, for which only geometry and a systemic perception agreement is necessary.


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