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All is Ready for Your Advancement. ~ The Masters

You are learning to honor the truth of Self.

This is an advancement of extraordinary magnitude and significance.

To abide by the soul's knowing at last.

As we open up to present and delight we ask each of you to establish grace. We ask each to establish kindness for the self. You are in the process of learning some new ropes, and so there may be a time or two where you will pause, reevaluate, and maybe even want to stop. But then, you will press forward. This is what we are attesting to- to your brilliance, to your majesty to your love. We ask you therefore to commit to the higher heart, to remember in truth that in all moments you are actualizing your destiny.

We remind you that there is no wrong turn. It may feel like a bump, it may feel like a complete stop, it may feel like a complete turnaround, but in fact you are pressing forward. You are learning how to discern grace, you are learning how to discern freedom, you are learning how to discern your highest attunement of your true self. Whatever occurs, understand that it is part of your pathway to the finish line. It is important therefore that you begin to materialize, begin to birth the bigger picture of your goal. Your goal is not the end result of the moment, or even the day. The goal is establishing grace by and by. And that you are doing beautifully. We ask you therefore to see yourselves as heroes, as ones of a very brave nature, of courage, and of commitment. That is what is enabling you to pick up your stride now, enabling you to let go of the old and to bring in the higher energies.

Now, as we offer you this highest claim, we understand that you have places of uncertainty. We understand that you wonder what is to be next. And we ask you to take a bow, a curtsy ahead of time, realizing that what is next is your destiny. You see, some of you have concerns- it is not stable. It is not like yesteryear, it is not as planned. And we say, "Oh boy, do we have news for you." Because in the midst of the challenge, in the midst of the to and fro, you are bringing forth higher vibration, bringing forth higher wisdom. You are letting go of the old simply because it matters no longer. And you are opening up in delight. We ask you therefore to claim this, we ask you to be in charge of your ascended grace. Because as you will bring forth your own provisions, you will realize at last that you indeed are the master. All is ready for your acquittal. All is ready for your advancement.

You are not learning how to attract from without.

You are learning how to identify with it from within.

There is no thing that you cannot have once you realize it is already within you.

First you must recognize your Wholeness, your Innocence.

You must recognize that all that you seemingly receive from without- the perfect mate, the perfect job, the perfect circumstances,

it all begins when you decide to recognize it already is you.

Your loving cup is already full.

Life is an experience of consciousness.

Wake up to the divinity, the divine plan within you.

And watch your life unfold quite effortlessly.

All that you need resides already within your chalice of love.

And so it is.

Daily Teachings of the Masters at


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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Paperback and Kindle Reader

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