Align with Source & the Forces of Light ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council,
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are at our best when we are helping all of you there in physical form on planet Earth. We align ourselves more with the Source Energy perspective and agenda when we are helping humanity. We know that we are in alignment when we are being of service, and we can feel more of Source Energy flowing through us. We feel more alive.
You all can have that same experience from helping anyone there on Earth, whether they be in human, plant, animal, or mineral form. When you even seek to be of service, you are aligning with Source and accessing more of the energy of Source. Therefore, do not stop the flow of Source Energy by lamenting the fact that you cannot do more or that you do not know what to do in a particular situation. Stay in the flow of Source by continuing to focus on the fact that you want to help, and know that you can align with us, you can align with Mother Earth, you can align with the sun, you can align with Source, or you can align with any number of collectives, councils, and even individual beings who are higher dimensional and who want to help.
You don’t have to figure it all out, and that is what trips many of you up. Some people give up before they even get started on that pursuit of service because of the limitations of the human mind, limitations that tell you that you are only one person and ideas such as, ‘How could I ever make the impact I want to make as one single, solitary human being?’ You are never alone, and you are always more aligned with the forces of light when you maintain your desire and your intention to help.
We know that you will seize every opportunity to take whatever actions you can, so we do not worry about your effectiveness or the range with which you can spread the light. We understand how the Earth plane works better than almost all humans do because we can see what you cannot see with your physical eyes. We can sense what most cannot sense, and we can feel the impact that you have on the human collective consciousness at all times, even when you are asleep. Therefore, we invite you to trust us when we say that you are doing so much good and making so much progress. You are working with the grids, the ley lines, the energy that runs across, through, and all around Mother Earth, and the work that you are doing is beautiful.
You just have to let go of that mentality that says that it is your actions that are most powerful and effective, for it is your consciousness. It is now, it always has been, and it always will be your consciousness that makes the difference that you want to make there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Source, https://danielscranton.com/
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