Dear Ones, I Greet you with Love.
It is indeed a pleasure and a privilege to be communicating with you at this significant moment in time. The connection we share is precious to me, and it is an honor to engage in this communion with you.
During this special season of your holidays, many of you express great reverence and deep respect towards me. Your gestures of praise and honor, whether through songs, prayers, or acts of kindness, reflect an acknowledgment of my journey while I was on Earth. Which is also a recognition of the enduring impact, that my teachings and presence, continue to have in your lives. This shows that The truth of the infinite Light of God, transcends all time and space.
This time of year, is filled with joy and celebration. It is a reminder of the values of love, compassion, and togetherness, that I sought to promote during my time among you. It is a period when families gather, friendships are rekindled, and the spirit of giving flourishes. All of which echo the fundamental messages of kindness and connection that I shared with you, my Human Family.
It is important to note that most of you are already aware that your Day of Christmas does not actually coincide with the day of my birth. However, it raises an intriguing question: why did the church, choose to designate this particular day as a holy day of significance? The answer to this question invites a deeper exploration of the historical and cultural contexts that have shaped your traditions.
 This inquiry leads us to consider the various factors, including theological, social, and political motivations by those who wished to control. Which all contributed to the establishment of December 25th as a day of commemoration. It was not originally created to honor my life, but to confuse and deceive people into celebrating and worshiping a false narrative.
Your history reveals that many elements of the celebration of Christmas can be traced back to ancient civilizations, including Ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Rome. These cultures had their own festivals and rituals that celebrated the winter solstice and the rebirth of the sun.
As for how December 25th became associated with my birth, it is essential to understand that this date was already celebrated in the ancient Roman Empire as the birthday of the sun god, known as Sol Invictus.
The worship of Sol Invictus as the chief imperial cult ended when the emperor, Constantine, legalized Christianity and restricted paganism. Constantine continued the worship of Sol Invictus within Christianity.
 This connection illustrates how the narrative surrounding my life and teachings has been intertwined with various cultural practices. Which has led to a distortion of the original truth over time. Different societies and cultures, throughout your history, have adapted and reshaped the significance of this day, to align with their own beliefs and customs.
Nevertheless, despite these historical complexities and the blending of traditions, It has become a day where you have developed the spirit of Giving and Caring. It is always a wonderful experience to feel the immense Love that radiates from all corners of the Earth on this day. The collective energy of goodwill and affection is enlightening, creating an atmosphere of warmth and hope that envelops communities and individuals alike.
I want you to know that I am always present with you. Whenever you think of me, I am there, listening to your prayers, and wrapping you in the Light of God. In these moments of reflection and celebration, I hold you in my Loving embrace, enveloping you with my Love and peace. Reminding you of the unity and love that binds us all together as One.
It is in these shared moments of joy and connection that the true essence of this holiday shines. Illuminating the path of compassion and understanding, that I have always encouraged you to follow. As you celebrate, may you carry forth the spirit of love and kindness, not just during this season, but throughout the entire year. Fostering a world that reflects the ideals of Peace, and goodwill towards all.
I wish to THANK YOU For Your Love you have shown to me. Merry Christmas, Dear Ones.
I Love you all, so very much, Soon we will be together once again.
I Am.
A very special Message from Master Sananda Christos.
Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder, at
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Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with
Voices of... Chellea & David Wilder
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