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Message to the Awakened Ones ~ The 9D Arcturian Council

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always impressed with the way that humanity has been handling all of the challenges that you have thrown at yourselves in this particular lifetime of ascension.

It hasn’t been an easy path for most people, whether awake or asleep. You would think that being awake would make it a lot easier to be there at this time. but as awakened souls you are less likely to sweep something under the rug or numb yourself to it with drugs, alcohol or some other way of smothering emotion.

This is the time where everything is rising to the surface, and that is why it looks like things are not going so well there on Earth and humanity is not making the progress that we always report you are making.

When things come to the surface, it can get a little hectic and chaotic there on Earth, but all of that has to be seen and felt, acknowledged and forgiven in order for you to move on.

So whatever you see out there in the world right now that upsets you. remember that it is not your job to copy, paste, and post so that others can agree with you about how horrible that person, group, country, or situation is.

Your job in that moment is to offer forgiveness, release judgment and have compassion for those who are doing the horrible things they are doing or saying the horrible things they are saying, because they are doing so from that place of being out of alignment with Source. And there is no worse place to be in, and you all know that because you have all been there as well.

So what your fellow humans need is not more condemnation, more finger-pointing, but rather, they need to be seen as Source Energy Beings who have lost their way and who are acting out like a toddler having a tantrum. That is the way you bring the level of consciousness to a higher level there on Earth, and that is the only way. There are no bypasses. There are no ways of getting around what your work is at this time, because if you cannot forgive another and have compassion for them, you won’t be able to do it for yourselves either. And there are many aspects of yourselves. The one you are right now is not the only one, and you carry the rest of them around with you, sometimes in your energy field, and they need love, compassion, and forgiveness. And many people who are awake will go to a healer, or someone who is like a healer, and ask to have that entity or that attachment removed, when in actuality it needs to be integrated.

This time you are in is all about integration, not about separation, not about the light defeating the dark. There is no spiritual war, and warfare is not the way, whether it’s physical or metaphysical. Those of you who are awake know all of this, of course, but at times something can get under your skin just enough for you to forget. And so, we are here to remind you, because we absolutely love it when we see you right on track, and no matter what other challenges you are facing in your lives right now, the challenge of uniting humanity is the biggest one that you have. Remember that, and remember that you are there to help and to heal, and everything will be all right. Everything is of course all right, but there is always room for it to get even better.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Original Title, As Awakened Souls, This is Your Work Right Now. ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton at


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The Grammar and Punctuation are corrected for the Videos, and the Titles are changed due to copied Titles on Youtube. Others also post these Galactic Messages.

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Jan 01, 2024

Grateful for this really resonates with me now for some reason even though I've heard and known that before. Now, when I'm out or in my apartment, which has been my greatest challenge because that's my so called sanctuary,..when I'm attacked or meet someone so ignorant and belligerent, I go speechless for a second...your reminder, I will use, to pause, and realize, this individual is why I am here...if I can't helped them, than at least I will not judge or cuss them I would have before..the violet flame, has energies, within me.

It tougher, in my home, but this will be the year, of all great things, for myself as well as my human family.😚😅

Blessing to…


A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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