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Courage, Wisdom, and Love ~ Messages From the Angels

Card #44. Cerviel with the Message of Courage:

Cerviel is an Angel of the Golden Light. Cerviel Is also the Angel of Strength and Courage, and is the Angel which Closed the Mouths of the Lions, In the Story of Daniel, and The lion's Den. He represents the Struggle of Letting go of Unneeded Energies, Crisis Results in the Unwillingness to change, toward the Natural flow of Growth. When Change is Obstructed by old beliefs and Patterns of Old behavior, You do not have inner Strength to Let it all go on your own, So The Universe helps with making this decision for you. Resisting the Change that Comes your Way, intensifies the Suffering, Open your mind to see past events in your Life. What Don't you want to see? What are you not willing to Change? When you are resisting Change you are saying No to the Natural Order of things. Surrender and say yes to the Magic of the Divine. Ask Cerviel to Give you the Courage to Walk away from what is not serving your highest good. See your Life through the Eyes of Love and forgiveness. Look deeply inward, where all answers are waiting to be heard. Allow yourself to feel Loved and cared for, as you listen for the inner voice of wisdom.

Card #23. Zagzagel with the Message of Wisdom:

Zagzagel is of the Third Order, Inner Angels. Zagzagel is the Angel that met Moses at the Burning Bush. Zagzagel teaches us to listen inwardly, Wisdom is the Result of searching deep within to find Truth. Many are to busy with Life and the opinion of others, to see whats in their own heart. Inner Listening is Vital to the awakening/ascension. But it is Impossible when you are filled with Judgments and Fear. It is the Job of this illusion, to do whatever it takes to keep you bound to this material world, of limitation, sickness, and death. The Wisdom of God that you find within, is fearless, unlimited and Powerful, To access this wisdom, quiet you mind, and learn to listen. Pray and ask for help to achieve peace of the mind. Recognizing Divine Guidance, is the next step. Inner hearing sometimes comes through the mind as words, but most often comes through the heart as a feeling and knowing. This is your intuition This is your own inner Guru .

Card #13. Hadraniel with the Message of Love:

Hadraniel is of the First Order, Heart Angels. Eternal Love alone satisfies the need of the soul. Hadraniel's mission is to help awaken the Memory of this Love. When experienced Passionately, the three ascension attitudes of Love, Gratitude, and surrender, become an invincible force for healing. The predominant feeling among Humans is Fear, this can cause a Cage around the Heart that seems unbreakable. This can happen with just the fear of everyday struggle and pains. Ask Hadraniel to help you become aware of any fear that may be blocking you from receiving Love. Love is the Greatest Source of Energy. When Experiencing the Lower vibrations of Anger, fear or resentment, try to do this in a private safe place, so the energy can be worked through and transformed through Love. As your Heart opens up to the Divine love of God, you will feel freed from all fear and anger. Love engulfs you creating a shield of Protection of pure white light. The most powerful force of all, where nothing can Cause you harm.

Thank you for Watching Universal Lighthouse. In Love and Light.

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