“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to give you this transmission because we do recognize how much you appreciate progress reports for humanity. We want you to know that from where we sit, and from the perspectives of your souls, you are doing very well there on Earth, and you are making history, setting records and creating all sorts of new universes as a result of what you are living. There are more people present on planet Earth at this time than there has ever been, and that is a remarkable feat because it shows you all how many souls want to incarnate there. That means you must be on an incredible journey, whether you are always acknowledging that or not.
We are here to tell you that you are. It is a remarkable journey where so much is being accomplished and created with your mere presence on the planet and your willingness to live out those lives that you chose for yourselves. We know that you appreciate being acknowledged by the likes of us, but we also know that you don’t always feel so great about being there or about how well you are doing personally. And so, we want you all to know that it is important for you to take on the perspective of your soul. Your soul is not suffering. Your soul is not tainted, and your soul is not damaged, no matter what is going on there with you in your physical body.
Now, your soul is affected by everything that you do, think and say, everything that happens to you, and all the feelings that you feel. Your soul is consciously participating in the life experience but is not worse off for anything that you have lived and never will be. That is simply not possible. If you take on the perspective of your soul, you can begin to appreciate your lives, yourselves, and your journeys in the way that we do.
You can also rest assured that because there are so many of you on the planet right now, there is also a record number of helpers available to the human collective. You can benefit from all the faeries, e.t.s, angelic beings, and ascended masters who are sending love, compassion, and healing to the planet and to its inhabitants. You can benefit from all the asking and all the creating that your fellow humans are doing, humans who are experiencing many more hardships than you are in your life.
And so, this is what we invite you to do. Appreciate yourselves and your journeys, and start to contemplate the help that is coming from above. Start to imagine just how many helpers there are when there are eight billion human beings on the planet. And then start to feel for the incoming energies, and all the help that is coming from all the dimensions, all the star systems, all the realms that you can possibly imagine and then some. Be as excited about your life now as a soul is who is being born into a body, into a baby, in this very moment. It is possible to do so no matter how jaded you sometimes feel, no matter how discouraged you sometimes are.
It is possible to have the perspective of the soul that you truly are and to love every moment of your life on planet Earth. When we tell you that there is a lot happening there, we mean it. When we tell you that a lot more is going to unfold there, we mean it. And when we tell you that you are on an upward spiral and that you are destined to ascend, we mean it.
We are so excited for all of you, even if you are not excited for yourselves, but we do hope that some of our excitement will rub off on you so that you can enjoy the rest of your time there in the fourth dimension, as you ascend into the fifth. These are indeed exciting times for humanity, and you all showed up to be a part of that journey for the collective and for your Mother Earth.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Original title, Humanity is Setting & Breaking Records. ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton at DanielScranton.com
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